War, Peace, and Propaganda: the U.S. in the Middle East – Peace@ThePUBlicLibrary, with Oliver Boyd-Barrett

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021 – view program on YouTube This hybrid program, on Zoom and at Parma Public Library, should not be missed. It powerfully deconstructs the seemingly unwitting way the U.S. keeps waging wars. Mainstream media narratives of Middle East conflicts are often false or incomplete. Even as the U.S. “withdraws” from the region, the extent and depth of its Middle East presence and influence is profound. Our presenter Oliver Boyd-Barrett will discuss how U.S. military and covert presence in the region (with particular reference to Syria and Iran) continues to seriously damage both the region and U.S…

Never Again: A Solemn Remembrance on the 76th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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video on facebook live On Friday, August 6th, as the Tokyo Olympics come to a close, we will gather at the Rockefeller Lagoon, Rev. M.L. King Drive, near E. 105th St. Speakers include Karen Jiobu, who was confined in a Japanese-American internment camp during WWII. Music by Charlie Mosbrook, poetry by Clarissa Jakobsons and the late Daniel Thompson. Paper crane folding, Japanese lantern decoration, and a lantern float at sunset. 7:00 pm – Gathering to decorate lanterns and fold paper cranes 7:30 pm – Program 8:40 pm – Sunset lantern float on the lagoon Please bring your own chair…

Nuclear Weapons or Green Economy: It’s Our Choice

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Peace@ThePub HOMETuesday, March 9th, 2021 Speaker: Eric Schreiber, MD view program here – passcode ea5!LrX$ download Cleveland Environmental Groups In FY 2021, the National Nuclear Security Administration planned to spend $15.6 billion on maintaining and updating the nuclear arsenal. The Department of Defense also planned to spend an additional $28.9 billion to modernize weapons delivery systems. Meanwhile, atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased 47 percent since 1850 and 2020 was the warmest year on record. Dr. Schreiber will discuss how the money spent on weapons could be better spent on the green infrastructure that the country – and world –…

Israel Withholding COVID-19 Vaccinations from Palestine Occupied Territories of West Bank and Gaza

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Contact Don Bryant: email.donbryant@gmail.com – 216-255-1576For Immediate Release CLEVELAND, OHIO While Covid-19 rates in Israel are soaring, Israeli officials are withholding all vaccinations from the Palestine Occupied Territories of West Bank and Gaza. Israel currently has the highest rate of covid-19 vaccinations in the world according to Forbes Magazine (1) but vaccination is withheld from the wards of Israeli occupation.

Peace and the Biden-Harris Administration: Opportunities and Challenges

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Peace@ThePub HOME Tuesday, January 12th view program here – passcode P@PBiden2021 P@PBiden2021The new administration presents both opportunities and challenges for Peace Action’s advocacy work. While there’s reason for optimism, realism suggests there will be some difficult work ahead. Join us for a dialogue on the prospects for 2021 and beyond.  Panelists: Paul Kawika Martin, Senior Director, Policy and Political Affairs, National Peace Action Pete Moore, M.A. Hanna Associate Professor of Politics, Case Western Reserve University

Election Dissection: Peace@ThePub HOME

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Tuesday, November 10th view program here – passcode P@PElection2020 Our panel and the audience discuss the prospects and opportunities for our peace/anti-war agenda and the larger implications for our community. Guest panelists: Harriet Applegate (Executive Secretary, North Shore Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO) and Cassandra McDonald (founding President of Euclid NAACP), with Cleveland Peace Action’s Don Bryant and Francis Chiappa.

Peace@ThePub HOME: Black History, Injustice and Reparations & Police Militarization

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Tuesday, October 13th view program here – passcode P@P13Oct2020 Black History, Injustice, and the Need for Reparations, with Dave Patterson, author of The First 400: The color of profit, persecution, and perseverance Police Militarization, with Gary Daniels, chief lobbyist of the ACLU of Ohio

Live from Palestine with Sam Bahour

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Cleveland Peace Action and Jewish Voice for Peace invite you to join us for Another Israeli Annexation (Version 2020), a stimulating and interactive presentation with Sam Bahour (Originally from Youngstown, Ohio) on Zoom, Wednesday August 12th at Noon, on Zoom. Click here to attend On location in Al-Bireh/Ramallah, Sam Bahour, prominent journalist, diplomat, businessman, and editor will describe the current situation in Occupied Palestine under Israel’s announced illegal annexation plan to continue ethnic cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity. The Israeli plan isto “annex up to one-third of the West Bank to become part of the Israeli state. This land…